Saturday, December 17, 2011

Happiness in Hectic Holidays

As a business owner that creates a physical product, this time of year can feel like I’m drowning with deadlines. I look forward to Christmas being here with the same zeal as a child, but for a different reason... to be finished. Don’t get me wrong - I love the holiday season, love seeing family and friends, and love when the actual day gets here so I can just rest. All of us have reasons that make this time of year extraordinarily busy, so here are two tips for finding happiness inside of hectic.

Define the five best moments of your day
A dear friend of mine gave me this simple assignment at a time when I was facing challenging health issues and was slipping into a funk. He said to be faithful to writing it down everyday and eventually it would shift my perspective of what I focused on. He couldn’t have been more right. I started noticing laughing with friends, how much I enjoyed driving by the fishing boats at Shem Creek, how good my latte tastes... things like that. Making a mental note of possible top five items renewed my awareness of how great the “little moments” of our day can be. A small way to take an active role in your happiness.
What were your five best moments today?

Creative kindness
Any random act of kindness can cause a positive ripple effect restoring our faith in the love and compassion of the human spirit.
Send someone a small gift anonymously.
Here is a creative idea: Pick up small florist vases at thrift stores or yard sales for a few cents. Buy a bundle of wrapped flowers, and arrange them in the vases yourself. While driving around finishing your Christmas errands, deliver them to random doorsteps or people you encounter who look like they need a reason to smile.

What makes me happy today

  • 1. 72 degree days in December

  • 2. My sister-in-law's health dramatically improving & her beautiful new son

  • 3. My friend finding out yesterday that she was now cancer free

  • 4. A christmas purchase I just made from a Fabulous Charleston based Artist

Visit her great Etsy shop and her BLOG... 
Unique modern greeting cards, wedding invitations, stationery, Christmas cards. Thank you cards, birthday cards, personalized notes, boxed gift sets, custom designs.

5. I can always find happiness in hectic moments at my local coffee shop... Metto

Great BLOG POST about them from the team at Two Doors Down

Happiness is my family and the greatest dog ever... Boudreau
Boudreau on Morris Island


  1. THank you so much for the shoutout! Great to meet you!

  2. that Etsy shop is having so many good cards. thanks for sharing. xo
    ~ Herman Swan
