Monday, January 2, 2012

Remember when your world seemed smaller?

Growing up I knew the names of everyone at the local sandwich shop. I knew the guy who fixed my mom’s car and I knew that his daughter had gone north to college, was now married with a baby boy. I knew that the baby’s was named Christopher. My parents could call the bank teller by name. The local florist could find everyone’s house without using the GPS on his phone. The world was small enough that we could ride our bikes safely around the neighborhood and tell our friends things face to face. No posts, no tweets, no status updates. 
Don’t get me wrong, I love technology. I love that I can read a magazine on my phone when I’m waiting in line. I love that I can text my brother when I really don’t feel like talking. I love ebay and I love etsy. I mention the world seeming smaller without even really feeling nostalgia, but rather just remembering a particular aspect of the past that has gone by the wayside... personal interaction. Actual conversations with people you might actually see again- people you know and can count on.
Studies show that the happiest people are the ones that report a strong sense of community. The women behind the website Two Doors Down know and promote this. I am thrilled to be featured on their site today. Read the full BLOG interview HERE
It is our mission to promote local businesses and artisans to support community growth and socially responsible living. Blending knowledge and insight, through a blog and directory, we hope to encourage our visitors to explore their communities and discover what may be just two doors down.

See Two Doors Down featured in SKIRT magazine this month!

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